Friday, November 7, 2008

The stupid truth behind it all..

Well looking back at assignment 3 i regret not putting in a lot more effort in terms of my assignment. When looking at particular work from other groups, in particular Derek's kismet work, i realise how behind i am in skills regarding kismet. I did not go beyond the work of the tutorials that were given and i think that was my down fall in this assignment.

I think my kismet work in this assignment was moderately okay in regards to just using the tutorials, i did try to explore as much as i could with lighting/triggers. But i know i could of accomplished much better if i tried harder.

Hide and seek as a concept game was much harder then i thought. I would of had to expand my kismet work to really make the hide and seek theme work. But i couldn't.

I'm glad that i had this realisation now, so that next semeseter i can put in more effort and explore more the field in more depth, than what is given to me.

In terms of what myself and the group have completed, i believe we did as much as we could, and we tackled the main criteria for this assignment.

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